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Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Frantz Fanon was one of a few extraordinary thinkers supporting the decolonization struggles occurring after World War II, and he remains among the most widely read and influential of these voices. His brief life was notable both for his whole-hearted engagement in the independence struggle the Algerian people waged against France and for his astute, passionate analyses of the human impulse towards freedom in university champaign football the colonial context. His written works have become central texts in Africana thought, in large part because of their attention to price, the roles hybridity and creolization can play in forming humanist, anti-colonial cultures. Hybridity, in of illinois football particular, is hopkins university, seen as a counter-hegemonic opposition to colonial practices, a non-assimilationist way of building connections across cultures that Africana scholar Paget Henry argues is constitutive of Africana political philosophy. Tracing the urbana, development of his writings helps explain how and why he has become an inspirational figure firing the 2015-2016 university of texas football schedule, moral imagination of people who continue to work for social justice for the marginalized and university urbana champaign, the oppressed. Fanon’s first work Peau Noire, Masques Blancs ( Black Skin, White Masks ) was his first effort to articulate a radical anti-racist humanism that adhered neither to johns hopkins university, assimilation to university, a white-supremacist mainstream nor to university of pennsylvania museum of art and archaeology magazine, reactionary philosophies of black superiority.

While the attention to oppression of colonized peoples that was to dominate his later works was present in this first book, its call for a new understanding of humanity was undertaken from the university champaign football, subject-position of a relatively privileged Martinican citizen of university of pennsylvania of art, France, in search of his own place in the world as a black man from the French Caribbean, living in university of illinois urbana champaign football France. His later works, notably L’An Cinq, de la Revolution Algerienne ( A Dying Colonialism ) and the much more well-known Les Damnes de la Terre ( The Wretched of the Earth ), go beyond a preoccupation with Europe’s pretensions to being a universal standard of tulane staff, culture and civilization, in order to take on of illinois the struggles and take up the consciousness of the colonized “natives” as they rise up and reclaim simultaneously their lands and their human dignity. It is Fanon’s expansive conception of tulane university athletic, humanity and his decision to craft the moral core of decolonization theory as a commitment to the individual human dignity of each member of populations typically dismissed as “the masses” that stands as his enduring legacy. Frantz Fanon was born in the French colony of Martinique on July 20, 1925. His family occupied a social position within Martinican society that could reasonably qualify them as part of the black bourgeoisie; Frantz’s father, Casimir Fanon, was a customs inspector and his mother, Eleanore Medelice, owned a hardware store in downtown Fort-de-France, the capital of Martinique. Urbana Champaign Football. Members of this social stratum tended to strive for assimilation, and identification, with white French culture. Fanon was raised in this environment, learning France’s history as his own, until his high school years when he first encountered the philosophy of negritude, taught to him by marquette university dental, Aime Cesaire, Martinique’s other renowned critic of European colonization. Politicized, and torn between the university champaign, assimilationism of Martinique’s middle class and the preoccupation with racial identity that negritude promotes, Fanon left the colony in 1943, at marquette university dental school, the age of 18, to fight with the Free French forces in the waning days of World War II. After the war, he stayed in France to study psychiatry and medicine at university in Lyons. Here, he encountered bafflingly simplistic anti-black racism—so different from the complex, class-permeated distinctions of shades of of illinois champaign, lightness and darkness one finds in michigan state memes ou the Caribbean—which would so enrage him that he was inspired to write “An Essay for the Disalienation of Blacks,” the university of illinois champaign football, piece of writing that would eventually become Peau Noire, Masques Blancs (1952).

It was here too that he began to explore the Marxist and existentialist ideas that would inform the radical departure from the assimilation-negritude dichotomy that Peau Noire ’s anti-racist humanism inaugurates. Although he briefly returned to the Caribbean after he finished his studies, he no longer felt at home there and in 1953, after a stint in Paris, he accepted a position as chef de service (chief of marquette dental school, staff) for the psychiatric ward of the Blida-Joinville hospital in Algeria. The following year, 1954, marked the eruption of the Algerian war of university of illinois urbana champaign football, independence against France, an uprising directed by the Front de Liberation Nationale ( FLN ) and brutally repressed by French armed forces. Working in a French hospital, Fanon was increasingly responsible for treating both the 2015-2016 football, psychological distress of the soldiers and officers of the French army who carried out torture in order to suppress anti-colonial resistance and the trauma suffered by the Algerian torture victims. Already alienated by the homogenizing effects of university of illinois champaign football, French imperialism, by 1956 Fanon realized he could not continue to aid French efforts to put down a decolonization movement that commanded his political loyalties, and of texas, he resigned his position at the hospital. Once he was no longer officially working for the French government in Algeria, Fanon was free to devote himself to the cause of Algerian independence. During this period, he was based primarily in Tunisia where he trained nurses for the FLN , edited its newspaper el Moujahid , and contributed articles about the movement to sympathetic publications, including Presence Africaine and Jean-Paul Sartre’s journal Les Temps Modernes . Some of Fanon’s writings from this period were published posthumously in 1964 as Pour la Revolution Africaine ( Toward the African Revolution ). In 1959 Fanon published a series of urbana champaign football, essays, L’An Cinq, de la Revolution Algerienne , (The Year of the Algerian Revolution) which detail how the oppressed natives of Algeria organized themselves into a revolutionary fighting force. That same year, he took up a diplomatic post in the provisional Algerian government, ambassador to Ghana, and used the influence of this position to help open up supply routes for the Algerian army.

It was in Ghana that Fanon was diagnosed with the leukemia that would be his cause of death. Despite his rapidly failing health, Fanon spent ten months of his last year of life writing the book for which he would be most remembered, Les Damnes de la Terre , an indictment of the violence and savagery of colonialism which he ends with a passionate call for les hanakahi johns, a new history of humanity to be initiated by a decolonized Third World. In October 1961, Fanon was brought to the United States by of illinois urbana champaign, a C.I.A. agent so that he could receive treatment at a National Institutes of Health facility in Bethesda, Maryland. He died two months later, on December 6, 1961, reportedly still preoccupied with the university of pennsylvania museum of art and archaeology, cause of liberty and justice for university champaign football, the peoples of the Third World. At the request of the FLN , his body was returned to Tunisia, where it was subsequently transported across the border and we pay for the, buried in university of illinois urbana champaign football the soil of the Algerian nation for which he fought so single-mindedly during the last five years of his life. Fanon’s contribution to phenomenology, glossed as a critical race discourse (an analysis of the pre-conscious forces shaping the michigan university football, self that organizes itself around race as a founding category), most particularly his exploration of the existential challenges faced by university urbana champaign football, black human beings in a social world that is constituted for white human beings, receives its most explicit treatment in Peau Noire, Masques Blancs . The central metaphor of this book, that black people must wear “white masks” in order to get by in a white world, is reminiscent of W.E.B. University Of Pennsylvania. Du Bois’ argument that African Americans develop a double consciousness living under a white power structure: one that flatters that structure (or some such) and one experienced when among other African Americans. Fanon’s treatment of the ways black people respond to a social context that racializes them at the expense of our shared humanity ranges across a broader range of cultures than Du Bois, however; Fanon examines how race shapes (deforms) the lives of university of illinois urbana champaign, both men and women in the French Caribbean, in France, and in colonial conflicts in Africa.

Africana sociologist Paget Henry characterizes Fanon’s relation to Du Bois in 2015-2016 university of texas the realm of phenomenology as one of extension and of clarification, since he offers a more detailed investigation of how the self encounters the trauma of being categorized by others as inferior due to an imposed racial identity and how that self can recuperate a sense of identity and a cultural affiliation that is independent of the university of illinois urbana champaign football, racist project of an imperializing dominant culture. Fanon dissects in all of johns university, his major works the university of illinois urbana, racist and colonizing project of white European culture, that is, the totalizing, hierarchical worldview that needs to set up the black human being as “negro” so it has an “other” against which to define itself. While Peau Noire offers a sustained discussion of the psychological dimensions of marquette, this “negrification” of human beings and possibilities of university of illinois urbana football, resistance to it, the political dimensions are explored in L’An Cinq, de la Revolution Algerienne and Les Damnes de la Terre . Fanon’s diagnosis of the psychological dimensions of negrification’s phenomenological violence documents its traumatizing effects: first, negrification promotes negative attitudes toward other blacks and Africa; second, it normalizes attitudes of desire and debasement toward Europe, white people, and white culture in tulane athletic general; and finally, it presents itself as such an all-encompassing way of being in the world that no other alternative appears to be possible. The difficulty of overcoming the sense of of illinois urbana champaign, alienation that negrification sets up as necessary for the black human being lies in michigan football memes ou learning to university of illinois urbana champaign, see oneself not just as envisioned and valued (that is, devalued) by the white dominant culture but simultaneously through a perspective constructed both in les hanakahi university opposition to and independently from the racist/racialized mainstream, a parallel perspective in which a black man or woman’s value judgments—of oneself and of others of one’s race—do not have to be filtered through white norms and values. It is only through development of this latter perspective that the black man or woman can shake off the psychological colonization that racist phenomenology imposes, Fanon argues. One of the most pervasive agents of university urbana football, phenomenological conditioning is language. In Peau Noire , Fanon analyzes language as that which carries and university of pennsylvania museum of art, reveals racism in culture, using as an university urbana champaign, example the symbolism of whiteness and blackness in the French language—a point that translates equally well into English linguistic habits. One cannot learn and speak this language, Fanon asserts, without subconsciously accepting the cultural meanings embedded in equations of purity with whiteness and malevolence with blackness: to be white is to 2015-2016 university of texas schedule, be good, and to university champaign, be black is to marquette dental school, be bad. While Peau Noire focuses on the colonizing aspects of the French language, L’An Cinq , on the other hand, offers an interesting account of how language might enable decolonization efforts.

Fanon describes a decision made by the revolutionary forces in university of illinois champaign football Algeria in university memes 1956 to give up their previous boycott of of illinois champaign, French and marquette dental, instead start using it as the lingua franca that could unite diverse communities of resistance, including those who did not speak Arabic. The subversive effects of adopting French extended beyond the convenience of a common language; it also cast doubt on the simplistic assumption the French colonizers had been making, namely, that all French speakers in Algeria were loyal to the colonial government. Champaign. After strategically adopting the colonizer’s language, one entered a shop or a government office no longer necessarily announcing one’s politics in university of pennsylvania of art and archaeology one’s choice of language. Fanon’s critical race phenomenology is not without its critics, many of university champaign, whom read Peau Noire ’s back-to-back accounts of the black woman’s desire for a white lover and the black man’s desire for a white lover as misogynistic. According to these critiques, typically offered from a feminist point of view, the autobiography of michigan state, Mayotte Capecia, a Martinican woman who seeks the university urbana champaign, love of a white man, any white man it seems, is treated by Fanon (who describes it as “cut-rate” and “ridiculous”) with far less respect than the novel by Rene Maran, which describes the story of Jean Veneuse, a black man who reluctantly falls in love with a white Frenchwoman and hesitates to marry her until he is urged to do so by her brother. Although Fanon is unequivocal in his statement that both of these discussions serve as examples of “alienated psyches,” white feminists who make this charge of university dental school, misogyny point to his less sympathetic account of university champaign football, Capecia as evidence that he holds black women complicit in the devaluing of blackness. Where it is found at all in university museum of art and archaeology the work of black feminist writers, this allegation tends to be more tentative, and tends to be contextualized within a pluralist inventory of of illinois champaign, phenomenological approaches. Just as Fanon selects race as the state football ou, founding category of university of illinois urbana football, phenomenology, a feminist phenomenology would focus on hopkins gender as a founding category. Champaign Football. In this pluralist framework, Fanon’s attention to race at the expense of gender is arguably more explicable as a methodological choice than a deep-seated contempt for women. The political dimensions of negrification that call for decolonization receive fuller treatment in L’An Cinq, de la Revolution Algerienne and Les Damnes de la Terre . But Fanon does not simply diagnose the political symptoms of the university football schedule, worldview within which black men and women are dehumanized.

He situates his diagnosis within an unambiguous ethical commitment to of illinois champaign football, the equal right of every human being to have his or her human dignity recognized by others. This assertion, that all of us are entitled to moral consideration and football ou, that no one is dispensable, is the principled core of his decolonization theory, which continues to urbana football, inspire scholars and activists dedicated to of art, human rights and social justice. As the French title suggests, L’An Cinq (published in university champaign English as A Dying Colonialism ) is Fanon’s first-hand account of how the Algerian people mobilized themselves into a revolutionary fighting force and repelled the French colonial government. Johns University. The lessons that other aspiring revolutionary movements can learn from Fanon’s presentation of the university champaign, FLN ’s strategies and tactics are embedded in their particular Algerian context, but nonetheless evidently adaptable. State Ou. In addition to describing the FLN ’s strategic adoption of university urbana, French as the language of communication with its sympathetic civilian population, Fanon also traces the les hanakahi hopkins university, interplay of ideological and pragmatic choices they made about communications technology. University. Once the French started suppressing newspapers, the FLN had to rethink their standing boycott of radios, which they had previously denounced as the university memes ou, colonizer’s technology. This led to football, the creation of a nationalist radio station, the Voice of Fighting Algeria , that now challenged colonial propaganda with what Fanon described as “the first words of the university museum of art, nation.” Another of the fundamental challenges they issued to the colonial world of division and hierarchy was the university of illinois champaign football, radically inclusive statement the provisional government made that all people living in Algeria would be considered citizens of the new nation. This was a bold contestation of European imperialism on the model of Haiti’s first constitution (1805), which attempted to break down hierarchies of social privilege based on skin color by declaring that all Haitian citizens would be considered black. Both the Algerian and Haitian declarations are powerful decolonizing moves because they undermine the very Manichean structure that Fanon identifies as the foundation of the colonial world. While L’An Cinq offers the kinds of insights one might hope for from a historical document, Les Damnes de la Terre is a more abstract analysis of colonialism and of pennsylvania museum and archaeology magazine, revolution.

It has been described as a handbook for black revolution. The book ranges over the necessary role Fanon thinks violence must play in decolonization struggles, the false paths decolonizing nations take when they entrust their eventual freedom to negotiations between a native elite class and the formers colonizers instead of mobilizing the masses as a popular fighting force, the need to urbana champaign, recreate a national culture through a revolutionary arts and requirements, literature movement, and an inventory of the psychiatric disorders that colonial repression unleashes. Part of its shocking quality, from a philosophical perspective, is alluded to in the university of illinois football, preface that Jean-Paul Sartre wrote for the book: it speaks the language of philosophy and deploys the kind of Marxist and Hegelian arguments one might expect in university staff a philosophy of liberation, but it does not speak to the West. It is Fanon conversing with, advising, his fellow Third-World revolutionaries. The controversy that swirls around Les Damnes is very different from the one Peau Noire attracts. Where feminist critiques of Peau Noire require a deep reading and an analysis of the kinds of questions Fanon failed to ask, those who find fault with Les Damnes for what they see as its endorsement of violent insurgency are often reading Fanon’s words too simplistically.

His argument is not that decolonizing natives are justified in university of illinois urbana champaign football using violent means to effect their ends; the point he is making in his opening chapter, “Concerning Violence,” is that violence is a fundamental element of colonization, introduced by the colonizers and visited upon the colonized as part of the johns hopkins university, colonial oppression. The choice concerning violence that the colonized native must make, in Fanon’s view, is between continuing to accept it—absorbing the abuse or displacing it upon other members of the oppressed native community—or taking this foreign violence and throwing it back in the face of those who initiated it. Fanon’s consistent existentialist commitment to choosing one’s character through one’s actions means that decolonization can only happen when the native takes up his or her responsible subjecthood and refuses to occupy the position of university football, violence-absorbing passive victim. The first significant influence on magazine Fanon was the philosophy of negritude to champaign football, which he was introduced by Aime Cesaire. University And Archaeology. Although this philosophy of black pride was a potent counterbalance to the assimilation tendencies into which Fanon had been socialized, it was ultimately an inadequate response to of illinois urbana champaign football, an imperializing culture that presents itself as a universal worldview. Far more fruitful, in Fanon’s view, were his studies in 2015-2016 of texas football France of Hegel, Marx, and Husserl. From these sources he developed the view that dialectic could be the process through which the of illinois football, othered/alienated self can respond to johns hopkins university, racist trauma in a healthy way, a sensitivity to university urbana champaign football, the social and economic forces that shape human beings, and university school requirements, an appreciation for the pre-conscious construction of self that phenomenology can reveal. He also found Sartre’s existentialism a helpful resource for theorizing the university football, process of self construction by which each of tulane staff, us chooses to become the persons we are. This relation with Sartre appears to have been particularly mutually beneficial; Sartre’s existentialism permeates Peau Noire and in turn, Sartre’s heartfelt and radical commitment to decolonization suggests that Fanon had quite an influence on university of illinois champaign football him. 5. Movements and Thinkers Influenced by Fanon.

The pan-Africanism that Fanon understood himself to be contributing to in his work on behalf of Third World peoples never really materialized as a political movement. It must be remembered that in Fanon’s day, the michigan state memes ou, term “Third World” did not have the meaning it has today. Where today it designates a collection of desperately poor countries that are the objects of the developed world’s charity, in the 1950s and 1960s, the of illinois urbana champaign, term indicated the hope of an emerging alternative to political alliance with either the First World (the United States and Europe) or the Second World (the Soviet bloc). Museum Of Art. The attempt to generate political solidarity and meaningful political power among the newly independent nations of Africa instead foundered as these former colonies fell victim to precisely the sort of false decolonization and client-statism that Fanon had warned against. Today, as a political program, that ideal of university of illinois champaign, small-state solidarity survives only in the leftist critiques of neoliberalism offered by activists like Noam Chomsky and state university memes, Naomi Klein. Instead, the discourse of solidarity and political reconstruction has retreated into university of illinois champaign the academy, where it is theorized as “postcolonialism.” Here we find the critical theorizing of scholars like Edward Said and price, Gayatri Spivak, both of whom construct analyses of the colonial Self and the colonized Other that, implicitly at least, depend on the Manichean division that Fanon presents in of illinois urbana football Les Damnes . Thinkers around the globe have been profoundly influenced by Fanon’s work on michigan memes ou anti-black racism and decolonization theory.

Brazilian theorist of critical pedagogy Paulo Freire engages Fanon in dialogue in Pedagogy of the Oppressed , notably in his discussion of the mis-steps that oppressed people may make on their path to liberation. Freire’s emphasis on the need to go beyond a mere turning of the tables, a seizure of the privileges and urbana football, social positions of the school requirements, oppressors, echoes Fanon’s concern in Les Damnes and in essays such as “Racism and Culture” (in Pour la Revolution Africaine ) that failure to of illinois urbana football, appreciate the deeply Manichean structure of the settler-native division could lead to a false decolonization in which a native elite simply replace the settler elite as the oppressive rulers of the still exploited masses. This shared concern is the motivation for hopkins university, Freire’s insistence on perspectival transformation and on populist inclusion as necessary conditions for social liberation. Kenyan author and decolonization activist Ngugi wa Thiong’o also draws on ideas Fanon presents in urbana football Les Damnes . Inspired mainly by Fanon’s meditations on the need to decolonize national consciousness, Ngugi has written of the need to university school requirements, get beyond the “colonization of the mind” that occurs in using the language of university urbana, imposed powers. Like Fanon, he recognizes that language has a dual character. It colonizes in michigan state ou the sense that power congeals in the history of how language is used (that is, its role in carrying culture). But it can also be adapted to our real-life communication and of illinois, our “image-forming” projects, which means it also always carries the potential to be the means by which we liberate ourselves. Ngugi’s last book in English, Decolonizing the Mind , was his official renunciation of the of pennsylvania of art, colonizer’s language in of illinois favor of his native tongue, Gikuyu, and tulane athletic staff, its account of the politics of language in African literature can fruitfully be read as an illustration of the abstract claims Fanon makes about art and university of illinois football, culture in Les Damnes and Pour la Revolution Africaine . Maori scholar Linda Tuhiwai Smith takes up Fanon’s call for 2015-2016 schedule, artists and intellectuals of decolonizing societies to create new literatures and new cultures for their liberated nations. Football. Applying Fanon’s call to her own context, Tuhiwai Smith notes that Maori writers in New Zealand have begun to 2015-2016, produce literature that reflects and supports a resurgent indigenous sovereignty movement, but she notes that there is little attention to achieving that same intellectual autonomy in the social sciences. Inspired by Fanon’s call to voice, she has written Decolonizing Methodologies , a book that interrogates the way “research” has been used by European colonial powers to subjugate indigenous peoples and university urbana champaign football, also lays out methodological principles for indigenous research agendas that will not reproduce the same dehumanizing results that colonial knowledge production has been responsible for. In the United States, Fanon’s influence continues to grow.

Feminist theorist bell hooks, one of those who notes the absence of attention to gender in marquette dental school Fanon’s work, nonetheless acknowledges the power of his vision of the resistant decolonized subject and the possibility of love that this vision nurtures. Existential phenomenologist Lewis R. Gordon works to articulate the new humanism that Fanon identified as the goal of a decolonized anti-racist philosophy. Gordon is one of the Africana--and Caribbean--focused scholars in American academia who has been involved in founding today’s most prominent Africana-Caribbean research network, the Caribbean Philosophical Association, which awards an annual book prize in Frantz Fanon’s name. University Urbana Football. The Frantz Fanon Prize recognizes excellence in scholarship that advances Caribbean philosophy and Africana-humanist thought in the Fanonian tradition. In Paris, the heart of the former empire that Fanon opposed so vigorously in his short life, his philosophy of humanist liberation and his commitment to the moral relevance of all people everywhere have been taken up by his daughter Mireille Fanon.

She heads the Fondation Frantz Fanon and follows in her father’s footsteps with her work on questions of international law and human rights, supporting the rights of migrants, and championing struggles against les hanakahi johns university, the impunity of the powerful and all forms of racism.

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The Canterbury Tales Summary and Analysis of General Prologue. When April comes with his sweet, fragrant showers, which pierce the dry ground of March, and bathe every root of every plant in sweet liquid, then people desire to go on pilgrimages. Thus begins the famous opening to The Canterbury Tales . The narrator (a constructed version of Chaucer himself) is first discovered staying at the Tabard Inn in university champaign football, Southwark (in London), when a company of twenty-nine people descend on the inn, preparing to go on a pilgrimage to Canterbury. After talking to football, them, he agrees to join them on their pilgrimage. Yet before the narrator goes any further in the tale, he describes the circumstances and the social rank of each pilgrim. He describes each one in urbana football, turn, starting with the highest status individuals. The Knight is described first, as befits a 'worthy man' of tulane directory high status. The Knight has fought in the Crusades in numerous countries, and always been honored for his worthiness and courtesy. Everywhere he went, the narrator tells us, he had a 'sovereyn prys' (which could mean either an 'outstanding reputation', or a price on university urbana football, his head for the fighting he has done). The Knight is we pay for the dressed in a 'fustian' tunic, made of coarse cloth, which is stained by the rust from his coat of chainmail.

The Knight brings with him his son, The Squire , a lover and a lusty bachelor, only of illinois champaign football, twenty years old. Of Pennsylvania And Archaeology. The Squire cuts a rather effeminate figure, his clothes embroidered with red and white flowers, and he is constantly singing or playing the of illinois urbana football flute. He is the only pilgrim (other than, of course, Chaucer himself) who explicitly has literary ambitions: he 'koude songes make and wel endite' (line 95). The Yeoman (a freeborn servant) also travels along with the Knight's entourage, and is clad in coat and tulane staff, hood of university urbana champaign football green. The Yeoman is excellent at caring for michigan university football arrows, and travels armed with a huge amount of university weaponry: arrows, a bracer (arm guard), a sword, a buckler, and a dagger as sharp as a spear. Tulane Directory. He wears an image of St. Christopher on his breast. Having now introduced the university of illinois champaign football Knight (the highest ranking pilgrim socially), the tulane athletic narrator now moves on university urbana, to the clergy, beginning with The Prioress , called 'Madame Eglantine' (or, in modern parlance, Mrs. Sweetbriar). She could sweetly sing religious services, speaks fluent French and has excellent table manners.

She is athletic directory so charitable and piteous, that she would weep if she saw a mouse caught in a trap, and she has two small dogs with her. She wears a brooch with the inscription 'Amor vincit omnia' ('Love conquers all'). The Prioress brings with her her 'chapeleyne' (secretary), the Second Nun . The Monk is university of illinois football next, an extremely fine and michigan university football ou, handsome man who loves to hunt, and who follows modern customs rather than old traditions. This is no bookish monk, studying in university urbana champaign, a cloister, but a man who keeps greyhounds to price we pay, hunt the hare. The Monk is well-fed, fat, and his eyes are bright, gleaming like a furnace in his head. The Friar who follows him is also wanton and merry, and he is university of illinois urbana champaign football a 'lymytour' by trade (a friar licensed to beg in certain districts). He is extremely well beloved of franklins (landowners) and worthy woman all over state university football, the town. He hears confession and gives absolution, and is an excellent beggar, able to urbana football, earn himself a farthing wherever he went. Dental School. His name is university urbana champaign Huberd. The Merchant wears a forked beard, motley clothes and sat high upon his horse. He gives his opinion very solemnly, and does excellent business as a merchant, never being in university dental, any debt.

But, the narrator ominously remarks, 'I noot how men hym calle' (I don't know how men call him, or think of him). The Clerk follows the of illinois urbana football Merchant. A student of Oxford university, he would rather have twenty books by Aristotle than rich clothes or musical instruments, and thus is dressed in les hanakahi university, a threadbare short coat. He only has a little gold, which he tends to spend on books and learning, and takes huge care and attention of urbana champaign his studies. He never speaks a word more than is les hanakahi hopkins university needed, and that is champaign football short, quick and full of sentence (the Middle-English word for 'meaningfulness' is a close relation of 'sententiousness'). The Man of Law (referred to here as 'A Sergeant of the Lawe') is a judicious and dignified man, or, at least, he seems so because of his wise words. He is price we pay a judge in the court of assizes, by letter of appointment from the king, and of illinois, because of his high standing receives many grants. He can draw up a legal document, the narrator tells us, and no-one can find a flaw in his legal writings. Yet, despite all this money and social worth, the Man of we pay for the Law rides only in a homely, multi-coloured coat. A Franklin travels with the Man of Law.

He has a beard as white as a daisy, and of the sanguine humour (dominated by his blood). The Franklin is university urbana champaign football a big eater, loving a piece of bread dipped in les hanakahi johns hopkins, wine, and is described (though not literally!) as Epicurus' son: the urbana champaign football Franklin lives for culinary delight. His house is always full of meat pie, fish and 2015-2016 of texas, meat, so much so that it 'snewed in his hous of mete and drynke'. He changes his meats and drinks according to what foods are in season. A Haberdasher and a Carpenter, a Weaver, a Dyer and a Tapycer (weaver of tapestries) are next described, all of them clothed in the same distinctive guildsman's dress. Note that none of these pilgrims, in the end, actually tell a tale. A Cook had been brought along to of illinois urbana champaign, boil the chicken up with marrow bones and university of texas football schedule, spices, but this particular Cook knows a draught of ale very well indeed, according to the narrator.

The Cook could roast and simmer and boil and urbana champaign, fry, make stews and hashes and bake a pie well, but it was a great pity that, on his shin, he has an ulcer. A Shipman from Dartmouth is next - tanned brown from the hot summer sun, riding upon a carthorse, and wearing a gown of coarse woolen cloth which reaches to his knees. The Shipman had, many times, drawn a secret draught of wine on board ship, while the merchant was asleep. Marquette School. The Shipman has weathered many storms, and knows his trade: he knows the locations of all the harbors from Gotland to Cape Finistere. His shape is called 'the Maudelayne'.

A Doctor of Medicine is the next pilgrim described, clad in red and blue, and no-one in the world can match him in of illinois football, speaking about 2015-2016 university of texas schedule, medicine and surgery. He knows the cause of every illness, what humor engenders them, and how to cure them. He is a perfect practitioner of medicine, and he has apothecaries ready to send him drugs and mixtures. He is well-read in the standard medical authorities, from the champaign football Greeks right through to Chaucer's contemporary Gilbertus Anglicus. School. The Doctor, however, has not studied the Bible. The Wife of Bath was 'somdel deef' (a little deaf, as her tale will later expand upon) and that was a shame. The Wife of Bath is urbana football so adept at making cloth that she surpasses even the cloth-making capitals of Chaucer's world, Ypres and Ghent, and she wears coverchiefs (linen coverings for the head) which must (the narrator assumes) have 'weyeden ten pound'. She had had five husbands through the university of texas church door, and had been at Jerusalem, Rome and Boulogne on university urbana champaign football, pilgrimage. University Magazine. She is also described as 'Gat-tothed' (traditionally denoting lasciviousness), and as keeping good company, she knows all the answers about love: 'for she koude of that art the olde daunce' (she knew the whole dance as far as love is concerned!). A good religious man, A Parson of a Town , is next described, who, although poor in goods, is rich in holy thought and work.

He's a learned man, who truly preaches Christ's gospel, and devoutly teaches his parishioners. He travels across his big parish to visit all of of illinois urbana champaign football his parishioners, on his feet, carrying a staff in his hand. 2015-2016 Of Texas Schedule. He is a noble example to his parishioners ('his sheep', as they are described) because he acts first, and preaches second (or, in Chaucer's phrase, 'first he wroghte, and university of illinois urbana, afterward he taughte'). The narrator believes that there is no better priest to be found anywhere. With the Parson travels a Plowman (who does not tell a tale), who has hauled many cartloads of dung in his time. He is a good, hard-working man, who lives in price for the, peace and charity, and university of illinois champaign, treats his neighbor as he would be treated. He rides on a mare, and wears a tabard (a workman's loose garment).

A Miller comes next, in this final group of pilgrims (now at the bottom of the class scale!). He is big-boned and tulane, has big muscles, and always wins the prize in university champaign football, wrestling matches. There's not a door that he couldn't lift off its hinges, or break it by running at it head-first. He has black, wide nostrils, carries a sword and a buckler (shield) by price we pay for the sun essay, his side, and has a mouth like a great furnace. He's good at stealing corn and taking payment for it three times.

But then, Chaucer implies, there are no honest millers. A noble Manciple (a business agent, purchaser of religious provisions) is the next pilgrim to be described, and a savvy financial operator. Though a common man, the Manciple can run rings round even a 'heep of lerned men'. University Of Illinois Football. The Manciple, his description ominously ends, 'sette hir aller cappe': deceived them all. The Reeve , a slender, choleric man, long-legged and hopkins university, lean (ylyk a staf).

He knows exactly how much grain he has, and is excellent at keeping his granary and his grain bin. There is no bailiff, herdsman or servant about whom the Reeve does not know something secret or treacherous; as a result, they are afraid of him 'as of the deeth'. The Summoner is next, his face fire-red and pimpled, with narrow eyes. He has a skin disease across his black brows, and urbana champaign football, his beard (which has hair falling out of it) and he is extremely lecherous. There is, the narrator tells us, no ointment or cure, or help him to remove his pimples.

He loves drinking wine which is as 'reed as blood', and state university football memes ou, eating leeks, onions and garlic. He knows how to trick someone. Travelling with the Summoner is a noble Pardoner , his friend and his companion (in what sense Chaucer intends the word 'compeer', meaning companion, nobody knows) and urbana champaign football, the last pilgrim-teller to be described. He sings loudly 'Come hither, love to me', and has hair as yellow as wax, which hangs like flaxen from his head. He carries a wallet full of pardons in his lap, brimful of pardons come from michigan ou Rome. The Pardoner is sexually ambiguous - he has a thin, boyish voice, and the narrator wonders whether he is a 'geldyng or a mare' (a eunuch or a homosexual). The narrator writes that he has told us now of the estate (the class), the array (the clothing), and the number of pilgrims assembled in this company. He then makes an important statement of intent for university urbana champaign football what is to come: he who repeats a tale told by another man, the narrator says, must repeat it as closely as he possibly can to marquette dental school, the original teller - and of illinois, thus, if the tellers use obscene language, it is not our narrator's fault.

The Host is the last member of the company described, a large man with bright, large eyes - and an extremely fair man. The Host welcomes everyone to the inn, and dental school, announces the pilgrimage to Canterbury, and decides that, on the way there, the company shall 'talen and university champaign football, pleye' (to tell stories and amuse themselves). Everyone consents to the Host's plan for the game, and he then goes on to set it out. What the Host describes is a tale-telling game, in which each pilgrim shall tell two tales on the way to Canterbury, and university, two more on the way home; whoever tells the tale 'of best sentence and of illinois urbana champaign football, moost solas' shall have supper at university requirements, the cost of university of illinois urbana all of the other pilgrims, back at the Inn, once the pilgrimage returns from Canterbury. The pilgrims agree to the Host's suggestion, and agree to accord to les hanakahi hopkins, the Host's judgment as master of the tale-telling game. Champaign Football. Everyone then goes to bed. The next morning, the Host awakes, raises everyone up, and 'in a flok' the pilgrimage rides towards 'the Wateryng of Seint Thomas', a brook about two miles from hopkins London. The Host asks the university urbana champaign football pilgrims to draw lots to athletic staff, see who shall tell the first tale, the Knight being asked to 'draw cut' first and, whether by 'aventure, or sort, or cas', the Knight draws the straw to tell the first tale. The pilgrims ride forward, and the Knight begins to university of illinois urbana football, tell his tale. The General Prologue was probably written early in the composition of the tulane university athletic directory Canterbury Tales, and offers an interesting comparison point to many of the individual tales itself.

Of course, it does not match up to the tales as we have them in of illinois urbana champaign football, a number of ways: the Nun's Priest and the Second Nun are not described, and, most significantly, the university of pennsylvania of art and archaeology work as we have it does not reflect the university champaign Host's plan. For starters, the pilgrimage only seems to go as far as Canterbury (for the of texas Parson's Tale ) and only the narrator tells two tales on the way there, with all the other pilgrims telling only a single tale (and some who are described in the General Prologue not telling a tale at all). We must, therefore, view the university of illinois football General Prologue with some hesitation as a comparison point to the tales themselves: it offers useful or enlightening suggestions, but they are no means a complete, reliable guide to the tales and what they mean. What the of texas football schedule General Prologue offers is a brief, often very visual description of each pilgrim, focusing on details of their background, as well as key details of their clothing, their food likes and dislikes, and urbana champaign football, their physical features. Tulane University Staff Directory. These descriptions fall within a common medieval tradition of portraits in words (which can be considered under the technical term ekphrasis ), Chaucer's influence in this case most likely coming from university urbana The Romaunt de la Rose . Immediately, our narrator insists that his pilgrims are to be described by 'degree'. By the fact that the price we pay sun essay Knight, the highest-ranking of the university of illinois urbana pilgrims, is selected as the 2015-2016 of texas football schedule first teller, we see the obvious social considerations of the tale.

Still, all human life is here: characters of both sexes, and from walks of urbana champaign football life from lordly knight, or godly parson down to oft-divorced wife or grimy cook. Each pilgrim portrait within the prologue might be considered as an football archetypal description. Many of the university football 'types' of characters featured would have been familiar stock characters to a medieval audience: the hypocritical friar, the of pennsylvania and archaeology magazine rotund, food-loving monk, the rapacious miller are all familiar types from university urbana champaign medieval estates satire (see Jill Mann's excellent book for more information). Larry D. Benson has pointed out the way in which the characters are paragons of their respective crafts or types - noting the number of times the words 'wel koude' and price we pay, 'verray parfit' occur in describing characters. Yet what is key about the information provided in urbana champaign football, the General Prologue about these characters, many of whom do appear to be archetypes, is that it is among the few pieces of objective information - that is, information spoken by our narrator that we are given throughout the Tales. The tales themselves (except for large passages of the prologues and epilogues) are largely told in the words of the tellers: as our narrator himself insists in the passage.

The words stand for themselves: and we interpret them as if they come from the pilgrims' mouths. What this does - and tulane, this is a key thought for interpreting the urbana football tales as a whole - is to apparently strip them of writerly license, blurring the line between Chaucer and his characters. Thus all of the information might be seen to operate on various levels. When, for example, we find out that the Prioress has excellent table manners, never allowing a morsel to fall on her breast, how are we to read it? Is this Geoffrey Chaucer 'the author of The Canterbury Tales ' making a conscious literary comparison to The Romaunt de la Rose , which features a similar character description (as it happens, of a courtesan)? Is this 'Chaucer' our narrator, a character within the Tales providing observation entirely without subtext or writerly intention?

Or are these observations - supposedly innocent within the Prologue - to be noted down so as to be compared later to staff directory, the Prioress' Tale? Chaucer's voice, in re-telling the tales as accurately as he can, entirely disappears into that of his characters, and thus the Tales operates almost like a drama. Where do Chaucer's writerly and narratorial voices end, and his characters' voices begin? This self-vanishing quality is key to the Tales, and perhaps explains why there is of illinois football one pilgrim who is not described at athletic staff directory, all so far, but who is urbana football certainly on the pilgrimage - and michigan state football ou, he is the most fascinating, and the most important by far: a poet and statesman by the name of Geoffrey Chaucer. How To Cite in MLA Format. Study Guide Navigation About The Canterbury Tales The Canterbury Tales Summary Character List Glossary Themes Summary And Analysis General Prologue The Knight's Tale The Miller's Tale The Reeve's Tale The Cook's Tale The Man of university of illinois urbana football Law's Tale The Wife of Bath's Tale The Friar's Tale The Summoner's Tale The Clerk's Tale The Merchant's Tale The Squire's Tale The Franklin's Tale The Physician's Tale The Pardoner's Tale The Shipman's Tale The Prioress' Tale Chaucer's Tale of Sir Thopas Chaucer's Tale of Melibee The Monk's Tale The Nun's Priest's Tale The Second Nun's Tale The Canon's Yeoman's Tale The Manciple's Tale The Parson's Tale and Chaucer's Retraction Other Literature in the Middle Ages The Texts of the Tales Sources: The Roman de la rose Sources: The Decameron Sources: Fabliaux Related Links Essay Questions Quizzes - Test Yourself! Quiz 1 Quiz 2 Quiz 3 Quiz 4 Citations Related Content Study Guide Essays Q A Lesson Plan E-Text Mini-Store Geoffrey Chaucer Biography. The Canterbury Tales Questions and Answers. The Question and Answer section for The Canterbury Tales is marquette university requirements a great resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss the novel. The three rioters see an old man's corpse being taken for burial. A secret thief called Death had smashed his heart in two.

Knowing that Death had been responsible for taking so many lives, the three rioters take it upon themselves to search for. The Knight is one impressive guy. He's the alpha male of Christendom with the of illinois champaign football chivalry to les hanakahi university, match. Chaucer notes that he has never spoken an ill word to university, anyone. On the pilgrimage, he is constantly trying to broker peace between the university of pennsylvania of art magazine squabbling. The narrator met twenty-nine pilgrims. Study Guide for university of illinois urbana football The Canterbury Tales. The Canterbury Tales is the last of Geoffrey Chaucer's works, and he only finished 24 of an initially planned 100 tales. The Canterbury Tales study guide contains a biography of Geoffrey Chaucer, literature essays, a complete e-text, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis. The Canterbury Tales is university considered one of the greatest works produced in Middle English. The Canterbury Tales essays are academic essays for citation.

These papers were written primarily by students and provide critical analysis of The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer. Lesson Plan for The Canterbury Tales. The Canterbury Tales e-text contains the full text of The Canterbury Tales written by Geoffrey Chaucer.

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20 Best And Worst Fonts To Use On Your Resume. University Of Illinois Urbana? Before you even walk into we pay for the sun essay a job interview you’ve made a first impression on the interviewer. How? Through your resume. According to a study conducted by the job search site, recruiters spend only about six seconds scanning a resume. So it’s essential that your resume makes a great first impression — that it looks professional and well organized. How do you do that? You start by using a resume font people can actually read (that#8217;s what this post is for), then you design a resume that stands out from the rest (here#8217;s how you do that).

When you have both these things you go into Canva and of illinois urbana design the thing for free in no time (here#8217;s how you upload fonts from this article into 2015-2016 of texas football Canva and here#8217;s where you go in Canva to start your new resume design right now). Times New Roman is probably the most commonly chosen fonts for university, resumes — the very reason you should avoid it, and why it appears on our “Worst” list. So if you don’t want your resume to look like hundreds of others, you’ll want to choose something else. And Garamond is a great alternative. A timeless serif typeface like Times New Roman, Garamond’s precursors have been in use for michigan ou, around 500 years. The modern version has the benefit of giving your resume a classic, polished look that’s much more interesting that the of illinois urbana champaign overused Times New Roman. As a bonus, if you’re struggling to 2015-2016 university schedule, condense your resume to of illinois football, one to two pages (which is a good idea), Garamond can help you fit more text on a page without sacrificing readability by lowering the font size or crowding your design by tightening up the spacing. This simple, sophisticated sans-serif typeface, designed in England in the 1920s, will give your resume a look that is university of pennsylvania museum of art magazine, both classic and of illinois champaign football modern. It’s used widely in les hanakahi johns hopkins the UK (across the British Railways system, by the BBC) and urbana champaign football elsewhere. You might also notice that Gill Sans is very similar to the custom lettering featured on the famous, WWII-era “Keep Calm and Carry On” poster, rediscovered at a British bookstore in 2000 and marquette university school subsequently popularized with many replicas of the champaign football design. You’ll find this font distributed with Mac OS X and some Microsoft software as Gill Sans MT.

Cambria, a serif font, is part of a suite of typefaces called the ClearType Font Collection, which has been widely distributed with Microsoft Office programs. These typefaces (Calibri, Cambria, Candara, Consolas, Constantia, and Corbel) were designed specifically to perform well on university dental, computer monitors. The studio that created Cambria describes it as “the ‘new Times New Roman”…designed specifically for on-screen reading, while still remaining applicable for print,” thanks to its sturdy letter construction that retains legibility even at small sizes. University Of Illinois Champaign? This makes Cambria a good choice for both online and printed resumes. Wikimedia Commons/Hans Hoogglans. University Dental? Although it has been the university of illinois champaign football default Microsoft Word font since 2007, Calibri is still not used as often as Arial, which landed on our “Worst” list for that reason. This font has other things going for it, though; professional resume writer Donna Svei points out that typing in university of pennsylvania museum of art magazine Calibri at a 12 pt. University? size will produce around 500 to 750 words, the dental ideal length of a two-page resume. Our third and last selection from Microsoft’s ClearType Font Collection, Constantia’s rounder letterforms make it look more friendly and less stuffy than many serif typefaces. It’s also suitable for use both on-screen and in printed documents, making it useful for football, when you need to distribute your resume in both digital and hard copy form.

Originally designed for corporate use, Lato is staff, sans-serif font created to look neutral in body copy but have some unique traits at larger sizes. University Of Illinois? The font’s designer describes Lato as “serious but friendly” — perfect for tulane staff directory, resumes. It comes in a wide range of university of illinois urbana champaign weights and styles, though the “hairline,” “thin,” and “light” weights will be too hard to see at small sizes. Marquette Dental School Requirements? It’s available for download (free for both personal and commercial use) and for web use on university of illinois champaign, Google Fonts. Didot is price, a distinctive serif font with an university of illinois urbana football, upscale look (perhaps a product of its Parisian roots). This classy typeface can lend some style to your resume and seems to be particularly popular for industries like fashion and photography. However, its delicate serifs display most clearly at price we pay for the sun essay, larger sizes, so you’ll do best saving Didot for headings rather than body copy. Wikimedia Commons/Pierre Rudloff. This Swiss sans-serif typeface is considered by many designers and typographers to be the king of university of illinois urbana fonts.

It even has its own self-titled documentary film. Thanks to its modern, clean lines and exceptional clarity, Helvetica is widely used in everything from major corporate logos (BMW, American Airlines, Microsoft) to New York City’s subway signs. To give your resume a clean and price we pay for the sun essay contemporary look that’s still professional, try Helvetica. It’s included with Mac operating systems, but if you’re wanting to use it with Windows, you’ll have to purchase it. Georgia is another alternative to university football, Times New Roman. This serif font has letterforms with thicker strokes that make it easy to read even at small sizes. Michigan University Football Memes? Plus, because it was created specifically for clarity on computer monitors, it looks great viewed on university of illinois urbana champaign football, any digital document, such as if you’re sending your resume as a PDF. This versatile sans-serif font has a very clean, crisp appearance that will give any resume an updated look.

It has multiple weights that you can use to differentiate the university athletic staff directory various sections and university of illinois champaign features of your resume, but you should probably avoid the “book” and “light” weights, as well as any condensed versions — they can be hard to read. Avenir Next is state football memes ou, another good option; it was released as a follow-up to Avenir to improve the font’s on-screen display capabilities. Dribbble/Mario Leo Fasolo. Surprised this one is on the list? There’s nothing wrong with the university of illinois champaign football font in itself, it’s just that it has been (over)used and abused. Since everyone else is using it on their resumes, yours won’t stand out. Johns Hopkins University? Plus, Times New Roman is urbana champaign, hard to read at very small sizes and doesn’t display particularly well on screens. Like Gill Sans on our “Best” list, Futura was created in the 1920s. Except this sans-serif typeface was designed in Germany and is more geometric in form. Les Hanakahi Hopkins University? Although it’s a clean, attractive font, the overall appearance is somewhat stylized and university of illinois champaign football atypical.

With quirks like unusually tall lowercase letters and a jarring contrast between sharp and round letter shapes, Futura leans more toward decorative and interesting (a.k.a, a display font, meant to be used sparingly) than practical for text-heavy documents like resumes. In the overused category, Arial is Times New Roman’s sans-serif equivalent. Using a font that’s so common (and, some would say, boring) may be perceived as a lazy choice — not putting much thought or effort into your resume. Of Art? Plus, Arial is basically an university of illinois urbana champaign football, adaptation of Helvetica that’s a little looser and more irregular in its construction. There’s nothing wrong with conventional fonts, but there are better sans-serif choices out there than Arial. Designed to replicate the look of a typewriter and later adapted for use on university and archaeology magazine, actual electric typewriters, this font makes it look like — you guessed it — you typed your resume on a typewriter. Which you didn’t — unless you haven’t updated your resume in 30 some-odd years. University Champaign? Plus, because this is hopkins, a monospaced typeface (every letter is spaced equally, as opposed to most other proportionally spaced fonts) it can look a little unnatural, particularly for whole pages of text. Tempted to university champaign, put your name at the top of your resume in a script that looks like handwriting to give it a little personality? Don’t do it! And especially don’t use Brush Script, which has been so overused that it now looks cheap and dated rather than retro and nostalgic (it was designed in 1942).

While certain creative industries will offer some leeway in 2015-2016 university playing with the appearance of urbana football your resume, when in doubt, it’s always a safe bet to stick to michigan university football ou, conservative font choices (which means no scripts or other display fonts). University Of Illinois Football? Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past several years, you’ll know that using Comic Sans is considered the cardinal sin of font choices. It was created in michigan state university football memes 1994 to replicate the look of comic book speech bubbles, and that’s about all it’s appropriate for. The casual, almost childish look of the font makes it distracting in any serious context. And in case you’re wondering why anyone would use Comic Sans on a resume, according to this manager, it does happen.

Just remember: it’s a good rule of of illinois champaign football thumb to tulane university athletic directory, stay far away from any font that might possibly come across as fun, flowery, flashy, or funky. Century Gothic has a sleek, modern look, but it’s probably a little too irregular for resumes. Additionally, the thin letters of this font’s regular weight can be hard to read, particularly at small sizes. There’s really no good reason anyone should want to use this on university, a resume, but people seem to like it. So if you’re tempted to give your resume an football memes, adventurous or exotic air with Papyrus, resist.

This font is so cliche (probably second only to Comic Sans) that is has become something of a joke — Fast Co. University Of Illinois Urbana Football? Design puts it this way: “as everyone who has written a school project over the last decade will tell you, Papyrus is the font you use to university, spell out the football word #8220;Egypt.#8221; Want to make a bold, confident impression with your resume? You don’t need a bold, heavy font to do it. Impact is michigan university football, most likely intended for use in all caps for headlines, but because it includes lowercase letters, people are sure to use it for body copy, where it’s almost impossible to read. Yes, Trajan Pro has a dignified, important feel, but it would be more appropriate etched into stone than typed on your resume. That’s because the typeface was inspired by the letterforms carved into Trajan’s Column, a monument dedicated to the Roman emperor of the same name. The font only has capital letters and small caps (no lowercase option), which makes it unsuitable for university of illinois champaign, typing out 2015-2016 university readable sentences on your resume. So it’s probably a good idea to leave Trajan to the movie posters (more than 400 of of illinois urbana football them), particularly those starring Russell Crowe. For resumes, a font size of price 10 to 12 pt. (depending on the particular font, but no smaller than that) is standard. University Urbana Champaign Football? Larger sizes are acceptable for headings or subheadings. Remember that everyone viewing your resume on a computer will have different fonts installed, and you don’t want your carefully chosen typeface automatically replaced with a substitute that messes up the document’s appearance and formatting.

That’s why it’s a good idea to always save and tulane directory send your resume as a PDF, which preserves the original appearance (unlike a MS Word document). Do you have a favorite (or least favorite) font for resumes? Share in the comments below. Bring great design to your entire workplace. University Of Illinois Football? Janie is 2015-2016 schedule, a freelance writer and graphic designer and the owner of Design Artistree Creative Studio. After college, she built on of illinois urbana champaign, her background in art to explore design. and loved it.

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Ezra Pound Pound, Ezra (Vol. 1) - Essay. A major American poet, now living in Italy, Pound will be remembered for his Cantos and for his influence on, and assistance given to, innumerable English-language writers. He has also written prose and has done translations. Champaign! (See also Contemporary Authors , Vols. 5-8, rev. ed.) Ezra Pound could be a beautiful poet, in dribs and drabs of isolated lyric pieces. His real gift is for pastiche. 2015-2016! He has imitated the Greeks, the Chinese, and finally his own youth. But he has always been obsessed; for university urbana champaign football, a number of years he was clearly insane, and what makes him puzzling—if you really look into him—is his manic oscillation between savagery and tenderness, between real insight and phony scholarship. Any man of good will must be divided about Pound.

For myself, surrounded as I am by inexpungible memories of the millions of dead, I cannot think of the of texas football purely literary case made out for university of illinois urbana champaign, Pound without horror. Alfred Kazin, The Youngest Man Who Ever Was (1959), in his Contemporaries (© 1958, 1959, 1960, 1961 by Alfred Kazin; reprinted by permission of Atlantic-Little, Brown Co.), Atlantic-Little, Brown, 1962, pp. 113-18 . Excitement attends almost all Ezra Pound's prose and poetry—the excitement of the man himself, his urgency and cantankerousness and virtuosity. Also, he has authority . In part this is the irritating authority of the les hanakahi hopkins university self-appointed leader, yet it is indisputable. One sees it in the reminiscences of university of illinois his oldest friends, still full of mingled admiration and resentment. Museum Magazine! 'An uncomfortably tensed, nervously straining, jerky, reddish brown young American,' says Wyndham Lewis, describing Pound's arrival in university, London in marquette dental school requirements, his mid-twenties. University Urbana Champaign Football! 'He had no wish to mix ; he just wanted to impress .' For the British, as for his own countrymen, he was 'an unassimilable and aggressive stranger.' Still, the authority was there despite the university and archaeology hostile response; he stood for the most rigorous poetic dedication, and the best writers were likely to recognize this fact…. Pound's experiments with translation added enormously to the authority of his tone and style. From the start translation afforded him the chance to sink himself into of illinois urbana champaign football, the poetry of the past and of other languages and societies.

Responsive to tone and nuance, he could recover the sensibilities of others and find a voice for himself through them. Of Pennsylvania Of Art And Archaeology! His translations have the same basic virtue as his other poetry: intuitive grasp of the shape and emotional essence of his subject…. From the early poems, translations, and champaign adaptations, we can see that the vast excitement of Pound's work is rooted not only in his own personality and abilities but in those artistic and intellectual revolutions which marked the first third of this century. He is the poet of new beginnings, of released energies, of vast curiosity cutting across cultural barriers. And tragically, the psychological symptoms of prolonged social crisis, that crisis which culminated in two wars as well as in the Fascist system he has defended, have found expression through him also. He is an football schedule epitome of university of illinois urbana football a paradoxical era: a fighter for creative freedom and sanity who found himself, in university of texas football schedule, old age, committed to urbana champaign, a mental hospital…. Published in 2015-2016 university, 'installments,' as it were, since 1919, the Cantos has been a gigantic experiment of a new kind, its growth in time essential to its very nature. Each of its larger units extends our range of consciousness concerning the relevance of the central perspective: a universal sensibility gauging the depravity of a usury-ridden world and setting against university urbana champaign, it the ideals of rational thought, rational economic practices ('rational' in the view of such Social Credit thinkers as Douglas, Gesell, and Pound), and tulane athletic directory a 'pagan' aestheticism. As each unit is developed, it recapitulates the root-themes in a new context; ordinarily the refocusing is not at first clear to the reader, but the pattern does emerge.

M. L. Rosenthal, Ezra Pound: The Poet as Hero (© 1960 by M. L. Rosenthal; reprinted by permission of Oxford University Press, Inc.), in his The Modern Poets: A Critical Introduction, Oxford University Press, 1960, pp. 49-74 . There is … a great deal of misunderstanding about Pound, and perhaps even misrepresentation…. The earliest prose, for example the university of illinois fine study of Henry James, is perceptive and cogent, and the poetry written during the same period, mostly before World War I, is often carefully wrought and subtle. University Of Art And Archaeology! But even then, in the poetry, one is never wholly certain which of the Pound voices is the real Pound. Pound the lyricist is most frequently in view, and it is in his lyricism that he has had his greatest success. This is best exhibited, perhaps, in football, the early Cantos . It appears intermittently, sometimes in explosive flashes, in 2015-2016 schedule, the later Cantos , but usually the lyricism is not sustained; in its place one finds anecdotes, cryptic and gnomic utterances, dirty jokes, obscenities of various sorts, and a harsh insistence on the importance to culture of certain political leaders and economists. The majority of Pound's critics find the university champaign Cantos his most important literary contribution. Various efforts have been made to of texas, say what they are about. Perhaps the easiest way of university urbana getting at their subject matter is to say they are about Pound's reactions to his own reading, of Homer, Ovid, or Remy de Gourmont, of various economists and political leaders, and Pound's own literary recollections, usually memories of London or Paris. As the years went by, Pound became less interested in literature than in university and archaeology magazine, economics, although he continued to express literary interests in the Cantos , and his interest in translating from champaign football Greek and Latin remained fairly constant. (p.

7) Pound is not especially imaginative in creating the substance of his own poems. His gift is verbal, and he is at university museum and archaeology, his best when using another poet's substance for his own purposes. In the of illinois champaign Cantos ,… he is not quite a translator, but he does rely on the substance of tulane athletic staff directory earlier poems. (p. 18)

Pound is commonly seen as one who explained, justified, and rationalized the university of illinois football modernist idiom in poetry. Of Pennsylvania Museum And Archaeology! All this is true. He has also written in that idiom. But at his best, as in occasional passages in the Cantos , he is a lyricist in university champaign football, the company of Herrick, Waller, or Ben Jonson, though certainly of a lesser order. His translations from football Chinese poetry have a similar lyric quality. The River Merchant's Wife: A Letter, written in a subdued tone, is university of illinois urbana as beautiful as any poem in the Pound canon. Tulane! (p. 19) Rhythms in music and poetry were a fairly constant preoccupation with Pound. Rhythm, he said, determines pitch and melody; pitch depends on champaign, the frequency with which sounds strike the ear; variations in pitch control melody. Les Hanakahi Hopkins! In poetry, he continued, the frequency of vowel or consonant sounds produces pitch; a changed frequency makes for higher or lower sound, and variation produces the melody of a line. (p. 21)

His commitment to Imagism and Vorticism was complicated by his interest in university urbana champaign, Chinese poetry and the Japanese Noh. Pound also theorized about the relationship between music (in the British Who's Who he identified himself as poet and composer) and the conversational or prose line…. The city, the automobile, and social life did not deeply engage him. There is a sense then in which Pound is not a modernist poet. Or perhaps one should say he was a modernist only briefly. Pound has a pantheon of writers who helped sustain his vision of the world as it ought to be, and more and more he turned to price we pay, them. Urbana Champaign Football! (pp. Price For The Sun Essay! 25-6) In the Cantos , as the years pass, there is an increasing dependence on violence and shock, on obscenities and scatological descriptions. Worse, there is an urbana champaign airy indifference when Pound mentions genocide or mass suffering. (p.

42) William Van O'Connor, in his Ezra Pound (University of Minnesota Pamphlets on American Writers, No. 26), University of Minnesota Press, © 1963 (and in Dictionary of American Literary Biography, Scribner's, © 1973) . The classic defence of The Cantos as a unity must always depend upon an unquestioning acceptance of Pound's own critical theory—upon the contention that Pound is exploiting a new, or at least unfamiliar principle of price sun essay construction—what Pound himself called the ideogrammic method. Imagist poetry had required the poem to of illinois, be a hard, clear and complete thing which presents not simply the outward fact, but with that fact creates and communicates an inward experience. Pound's theory proposes the use of these single images in a syntactical sequence analogous … to Eisenstein's use of the single shot in the montage syntax of the university football film. Both developed their theories by analogy with Oriental writing systems, and in both cases the analogy was wrong—which is, of course, of champaign football no importance.

What is important is that both of these two great artists should be reacting in marquette, such very similar ways to the new problems of communication created by the twentieth century…. Pound regularly mistook his own total immersion in of illinois champaign football, his material for university dental school requirements, the total involvement of his reader. Only intermittently was he able 'To have gathered from the air a live tradition/or from a fine old eye the unconquered flame'. The rest is vanity. Pound bullied his audience, but what is worse, he bullied the tradition too…. By instinct he was a reformer; he wanted to change society, to change people. His poetic theory was an of illinois urbana football attempt to direct poetry once more into an exploitation of the of pennsylvania natural and instinctive patterns of man's experience and behaviour, and his final aim was to educate man into a proper understanding of himself and the world he had inherited. He aimed at a blend of the epic and the correspondence course in general culture….

[Nevertheless], paradoxically, it is to Pound more than anyone else that we owe our contemporary sense of the need for poetry to achieve universality. University Urbana! The very essence of his theory, like that of Eliot's, was that the poet and johns the poem should, as it were, be loci through which the fullness of a shared tradition shall manifest itself with new vigour…. The astonishing thing is that a poet who is so often silly as a thinker, and whose emotional equipment is so unstable and unreliable, could ever have achieved the urbana reputation of greatness. And yet he is a great poet, and 2015-2016 university schedule his greatness is of illinois urbana not just a matter of we pay his much-vaunted technical excellence—another of the orthodoxies of the Pound enthusiast which needs some questioning…. Furthermore, the great successes of The Cantos , for instance the Pisan sequence, are achieved despite frequent technical failure, to say nothing of the university of illinois urbana frequent failures of 2015-2016 of texas football schedule tone and taste which we have to learn to disregard if we are ever to get anywhere with The Cantos . David E. Ward, The Emperor's Clothes?, in Essays in Criticism, January, 1968, pp. 68-73 . [The] Cantos convey very clearly the of illinois urbana champaign power that has sustained Pound throughout his turbulent career: it lies, still, in the ultimate conviction that the poet is in some way the voice of a supernatural power running through the universe….

It is Pound's conception of a world in memory sustained within the mind of university of pennsylvania magazine one man that makes the Cantos one of the great poems in English. Pound calls it … his palimpsest, and university urbana champaign indeed there is no better word to describe the effects of johns hopkins university these, as of all the champaign earlier Cantos. Pound's poems are a manuscript written over university staff directory the faintly discernible words of university of illinois football others, a shifting, glittering, glimmering memory of creative achievement that gleams through the ugliness of les hanakahi hopkins existence and makes what Pound … humorously calls a nice quiet paradise over the shambles—a paradise within the mind, holding together man's cultural achievements, retaining the university champaign old scripts, making them legible again. 2015-2016 Of Texas Football! It is, of course, the romantic conception of mind that DeQuincey summed up when he said that the human brain was a natural and mighty palimpsest. Deriving from Wordsworth's Prelude and Whitman's Leaves of Grass , Pound's Cantos pick up and sustain the cultures of the world within the apprehension of an individual mind and pass them on to poets such as [Robert] Lowell.

Louis L. Martz, in Yale Review (© 1970 by urbana football Yale University; reprinted by permission of the editors), Spring, 1970, pp. 262-63 . Ezra Pound's Cantos are cultural poems. University Athletic! They belong in the tradition of Walt Whitman which survives in the twentieth century in the poetry of Hart Crane and William Carlos Williams. Pound differs from a poet like Crane because he does not necessarily see individual reform as the answer to external abuses. Crane bolts an iron suspension bridge to of illinois urbana football, our hearts. Pound goes to the external forces themselves; he analyzes social institutions, recommends those he believes will serve as models for the future, and condemns those he believes will generate malignant effects. More than this, Pound writes as a poet-historian. His Cantos lay claim to the validity of historical scholarship. They claim to be truthful presentations of actual historical events. Ron Baar, Ezra Pound: Poet as Historian (© 1971 by the Duke University Press), in American Literature, January, 1971, pp.

531-43 . [Pound's] spluttering and marquette university school requirements incandescent failure is university urbana champaign worth more than most men's solid achievements. His romantic desire for the earthly beatitude which many artists are continually seeking: his poetry, perhaps, would be a torch lighting up a neglected pathway: as a recent poem declares, a rushlight to lead us back to price we pay for the, splendour . William Dyson, The Fluctuations of Ezra Pound, in Books and Bookmen, September, 1971, pp. 22-7 . [The] writing of the later Cantos represented for Pound a radical break with his past, almost a denial of the earlier mode. Erudite to champaign football, the point of pedantry, opaque, and generally incomprehensible except to the most dedicated literary archaeologists, the later Cantos kept away many who would have come to him quite naturally as a teacher. And so, of course, did the we pay sun essay U.S. government, for during that crucial decade of change for poetry, the 1950s, Ezra Pound was tucked away in St. Elizabeth's Hospital, a prisoner for of illinois champaign, his wartime follies…. Yet it may well have been more than Pound's inaccessibility that diminished his influence with the new generation of poets that was then struggling to be born. In a more devious way, it was probably because Ezra Pound, with his secure niche in the literary history of the modern movement, was more academically respectable that his impact [on the Beats and others] was less than [William Carlos] Williams's. Bruce Cook, in his The Beat Generation (reprinted by permission of Charles Scribner's Sons from The Beat Generation by Bruce Cook; © 1971 Bruce Cook), Scribner's, 1971, p. University Of Art And Archaeology Magazine! 119 . Pound always made a great show of learning and a bold claim to authority. University Of Illinois Champaign Football! His major work, the Cantos , hints in its very title that it intends to rival the Comedy of Dante. It is nearly as polyglot as Joyce's Finnegans Wake . It contains sentences and phrases not only in we pay, poetic English and slang both American and Cockney, but in Chinese, ancient Greek, classical Latin, medieval Latin, French, Italian, Provencal, German, and jargons of various origin.

Several of his books bear titles in Latin and other tongues: Lustra, Personae, A Lume Spento …. His interest in Greek and Latin is not merely a pose. It is an essential part of his development as a poet. He really loved the classics and believed in them. But he would not take the trouble to understand them thoroughly…. An earnest reader, if he has no Greek and Latin himself, is pleasantly mystified and feels a vague admiration for a poet with so many languages and echoes ringing in his mind. Most of his commentators treat Pound's intellectual equipment with deference…. Champaign! [and] readers seem to believe that Pound is university of texas football schedule a truly scholarly writer. How deeply, how accurately, and how sensitively he knows other languages I cannot tell; but although he shows off his Greek and of illinois his Latin, his Latin is poor and for the his Greek is contemptible…. He would not admit his deficiencies and cure them through humility and industry.

Nor would he shun those areas where a display of ignorance might be damaging. Of Illinois Champaign Football! Where others would turn their eyes away from the sanctuary, or else enter with quiet step and bowed head, Ezra Pound charged in, shouting and singing and hiccuping, on 2015-2016 of texas football schedule, roller skates, and rollicked around breaking the decorations and scrawling his name on the walls…. These are not trivial or pedantic criticisms. They go to the heart of Pound's poetic ambitions…. Reflecting on university champaign, Pound's incoherent and shallow work, reading the record of his wasted life, glancing through the respectful but impercipient commentaries on his poems, and looking with painful puzzlement through his collected letters, we can understand why many intelligent people—not only in the United States but elsewhere—turn away from him with pity and scorn. He ruined what might have been a viable talent, because he believed that he could be a great writer without humility, without knowledge, and university athletic directory without concentration. When he began to write, he possessed several of the qualities of a poet. University Of Illinois Champaign Football! His mistake was to michigan state university football, believe that he was already complete, that he did not need to grow, and of illinois that his few inborn qualities were enough.

We are surrounded, infested, by poets of les hanakahi johns university this kind two generations later. University Of Illinois Champaign Football! In Canto LXXIV he quoted the Greek proverb 'Beauty is price sun essay difficult'; but he did not remember it. He wrecked his mind with exhibition and competition and improvisation and opposition and of illinois champaign football destructive criticism and silly self-advertisement and pointless correspondence and a perpetual compulsive self-justificatory monologue which served as a substitute for thought. Gilbert Highet, Beer-bottle on the Pediment (© 1971 by 2015-2016 schedule Gilbert Highet; reprinted by permission of Oxford University Press, Inc.), in his Explorations, Oxford University Press, 1971, pp. 244-56 . Access our Ezra Pound Study Guide for Free. Ezra Pound Homework Help Questions.

Ezra Pound, an American poet, is known for his controversial life. Celebrated as one of the leading poets of the university of illinois champaign 20th Century, Pound's poetry comes from the imagist movement in modern poetry. . I really like that question! Ezra Pound was an imagist, a modern 20th century poet who believed that language should be used economically. Of Pennsylvania Museum Of Art And Archaeology Magazine! This was in contrast to university of illinois champaign football, Romantic poetry, which was. Ezra Pound’s poem “The Plunge” has been the subject of 2015-2016 university schedule commentary by a number of analysts. Urbana Champaign! Michael Alexander, for instance, in his book The Poetic Achievement of Ezra Pound, argues that the. Do you know when the poem was published?

That will help you analyze it, because enotes has an extensive biography on Pound, and he went through several phases. This poem is interesting because it. Ezra Pound uses the classic technique of the evocative power of sounds in his scheme (a kind of figure of speech) for evoking emotion in Taking Leave of a Friend. The image of Blue mountain and.

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